Staff Self-Reflection Resources

We all know how stressful school life can be, and how important it is to take care of our mental health and well-being, but how often do we pause to be still in our busy schedules?
The idea of these reflections is to encourage you to take a few minutes to consciously stop and reflect. We hope that they will help you to centre yourself and maybe to see things in a new light. There is plenty of research that shows the very real and sometimes unexpected benefits of intentionally attending to our own well-being.
How you do this will look different for each of you. You might choose to sit quietly with a cup of tea, or go for a walk, or simply find a space to be alone with your thoughts - there is no one-size fits all. Before we can support and encourage others, we need to nourish ourselves first, and we hope that these simple, weekly reflections will be a helpful starting point.
“The little things? The little moments? They aren’t little.”
2024-2025 Autumn Term
Reflection Legacy Connections Rememberiing Hot Water Bottle
Tension Van Gogh Story Kindness Waiting
2023-2024 Summer Term
Blossom Dragons Hope Gravity Balance Bees